Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This is going to be quite an update, but I still have tons more to do to finish this semester out.

So I'll just say a few things, then the art.

Firstly, I am very happy to have been invited to an art group.
If you don't know what that is, look on concept art and check out these sketchbooks:

Basically we all draw and paint and things, and then critique each other.
It's pretty fun -- Riley is actually the one that challenged me to the Caravaggio piece.

Secondly, this semester has kind of flew by honestly. I've been just rolling with it this semester. Gotten lots of work done overall. That doesn't mean I can take it easy for the rest. Honestly this is the where the real push comes. This is where boys become men... or something.

Lastly, I just want to point out in advance that I have soooo much more art than what is below to update this time. I just got lazy and didn't get to the scanner to get all of my life drawing / gestural drawing / sketches in graphite and things.

I have to get that on here as soon as possible though.

Anyway... here's that art I was talking about...

Caravaggio - Bacchus - WIP 2

Title: Caravaggio - Bacchus - WIP 2
Date: March 20 - 24, 2012
Medium: Photoshop
Scale: Original is 2550px x 3000px

Notes: This was a challenge for a group that I joined on concept art. Sketchgroup GOGOGO!! Just continuing... slowly but surely!

Charcoal from Drawing II

Title: Charcoal from Drawing II
Date: January - March, 2012
Medium: Charcoal / Chalk
Scale: Varies, from 20" x 30" up to 40" x 60"

Notes: This is my discovery so far into charcoal and chalk from Drawing II. Honestly, this is the most fun I've had with a simple drawing media. All of these pieces are on high-quality Canson stock paper. They are extremely large by my usual standard. See above for the scale... they're pretty big!

Ink Drawings from Drawing II

Title: Ink Drawings from Drawing II
Date: January - March, 2012
Medium: Ink / White Paint
Scale: Varies, from 20" x 30" up to 40" x 60"

Notes: This is my discovery so far into ink and white paint from Drawing II. All of these pieces are on high-quality Canson stock paper. They are extremely large by my usual standard. See above for the scale... they're pretty big!

Cora's Journal - Colored

Title: Cora's Journal - Colored
Date: March 27, 2012
Medium: Photoshop
Scale: Original is 3000px x 3000px

Notes: For my final for animation, we are to storyboard out a two-to-three minute animatic for the class, so I am going to start throwing a ton of stuff up about Cora for the next few weeks on top of all the rest of the stuff. This is her journal (and YES it talks).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Here's the progress so far on the Caravaggio piece...

Caravaggio - Bacchus - WIP

Title: Caravaggio - Bacchus - WIP
Date: March 20, 2012
Medium: Photoshop
Scale: Original is 2550px x 3000px

Notes: This was a challenge for a group that I joined on concept art. Sketchgroup GOGOGO!!

Open Canvas FUN

Title: Open Canvas FUN
Date: March 13, 2012

Notes: Just messing around with a silly painting program late at night.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Man oh man, vacations are nice. I've spent the entire spring break just painting and relaxing. The Mass Effect series has really sucked me in. I got the first one fixed and now all I want to do is just sit and play it until I beat them all. Unfortunately, I have loads of painting and work to do. Regardless, I have finished some stuff over this break, and tomorrow starts school again, so the working hard begins anew.

Well... here's the fruits of this break so far...

Color Notes

Title: Color Notes
Date: March 9, 2012
Medium: Gouache
Scale: 9" x 12"

Notes: Notes and Pactice for my Alternate Palette Project.

Color Studies -- Harmony - #2

Title: Color Studies -- Harmony - #2
Date: March 5 - 8, 2012
Medium: Gouache
Scale: Each study is 7" x 10"

Notes: Each of these is a study in color interaction using Color Harmony as a base.

Cora -- Head Studies

Title: Cora - Head Studies
Date: March 8 - 15, 2012
Medium: Photoshop

Notes: My teacher told me that I need to get a better grasp on Cora from the side. My walk cycle did not look believable because of the lack of confidence in her side view. I will need to keep going with these.

Guitar Chickie -- WIP

Title: Guitar Chickie -- WIP
Date: March 12, 2012
Medium: Photoshop

Notes: Just trying to show my process for painting. Any tips would be greatly appreciated...

Hel-Looks Study

Title: Hel-Looks Study
Date: March 9, 2012
Medium: Graphite
Scale: Original is 9" x 12"

Ladies and Ladybugs

Title: Ladies and Ladybugs
Date: March 11, 2012
Medium: Graphite
Scale: Original is 9" x 12".

Notes: What else would a ladybug think about?!

Dreaming of Chairs

Title: Dreaming of Chairs
Date: March 9, 2012
Medium: Graphite
Scale: Original page is 9" x 12"

Notes: Poor table just wants chairs... These are some strange pottery and tables that I saw recently...


Date: March 9, 2012
Medium: Graphite

Notes: This piece is actually a bit of a compilation between a guy, Dillon, and myself during our color class... I think his is more interesting (the right one).

Zemotion Study -- WIP

Title: Zemotion Study -- WIP
Date: March 13, 2012
Medium: Photoshop

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just a quick update, will post more later today.

Color Studies -- Harmony I

Title: Color Studies -- Harmony I
Date: March 1 - 2, 2012
Medium: Gouache
Scale: Each study is 7" x 10"

Notes: Each of these is a study in color interaction using Color Harmony as a base.

Color Harmony Practice

Title: Color Harmony Practice
Date: March 1 - 2, 2012
Medium: Gouache

Notes: Trying to gather ideas for my color harmony II project.

Cora Walk Cycle II

Title: Cora Walk Cycle II
Date: March 1 - 4, 2012
Medium: Photoshop

Notes: Attempting a walk cycle with Cora proved difficult. I need to get a better handle on her side view...

Military Hat

Title: Military Hat
Date: February 27, 2012
Medium: Photoshop

Notes: Continuing my studies with Photoshop. Getting a better handle on digital painting.

More Sketchbook Craziness

Title: More Sketchbook Craziness
Date: February 25 - March 1, 2012
Medium: Graphite
Scale: Each page is 9" x 12"

Notes: The basic forms seen here of the people are from life, as well as the hands. I just decided to add some Graphic Design flair to them for fun!

Valasquez Study WIP

Title: Valasquez Study WIP
Date: March 6, 2012
Medium: Photoshop
Scale: Original is 3000px x 3000px

Notes: What better way to study then use my favorite artist as a Master Study.

Legend of Zelda Study

Title: Legend of Zelda Study
Date: February 27 - March 3, 2012
Medium: Photoshop
Scale: 3000px x 3000px

Notes: A huge gathering of reference and sketches. Once I get more time from school I'll have to start doing these and others full-time.

Illustration II Sketch

Title: Illustration II Sketch
Date: March 1, 2012
Medium: Photoshop
Scale: Original is 3000px x 3000px

Notes: One-Hour powersketch with a friend from school, we just went into it with a lunch break. It was fun and actually a good color study.

Siren Sketches

Title: Siren Sketches
Date: March 6, 2012
Medium: Photoshop
Scale: Original is 3000px x 3000px

Notes: So... can we say... BLOW UP DOLL?! Ugh, this is terrible... will have to revisit later.

Follow Mat @artofmatk

Follow Ash @ashley.storyteller